Yesterday (26-11-2008), we were privileged enough to attend a seminar on dowry(since it was anti-dowry day yesterday).I came back home and resorted to my pastime of surfing through the Tv channels. After a few hour,I saw the BREAKING NEWS about the firing at Colaba and various other parts of Mumbai; south Mumbai.
By the next morning Mumbai was under terrible terrorist attack and many brave police officers of our country had lost their lives trying to save the lives of the innocent people (Indians and foreigners alike).And I can now hear reporters saying that "terrorists had struck yet again at another part of our country ."
A thought suddenly struck me; "Isn't the system of giving dowry and the consequent domestic abuse a form of terrorism ?" They say charity begins at home. If so, even terrorism does. So it is the duty of parents, teachers and the elderly to teach the young ones about the values and virtues of friendship,love, harmony and peace and not inject into those young minds the bitternes of vices like (for instance ) violence or even the dowry system(?); which is a form of gender-discrimination since only the woman has to give it . How many men have given money to their in-laws so that they'd let him marry their daughter,huh? Truly speaking, Man or woman; dowry should be prohibited.
"Many foreign media reports that foreigners are being held hostages by the terrorists. But , it is mostly INDIANS, who are held as hostages.It is really our fight; an we have to fight back......."
I could hear Zakka Jacob say this with such emotions which would melt even a stone. And it is true; partly .It is our fight against terrorism. And partly because it is not JUST our fight ... it is OUR fight as a whole world facing the evils of terrorism.We have to join our hands with the rest of the world on this venture against terrorism. It is one critical factor that has affected all of the world alike. It is a graver thing than the economic recession of recent times.If this goes on, half the humanity would be wiped off the face of earth by this disastrous phenomena of Terrorism.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Charity begins at home; and ........terrorism?
Posted by SilverDoe at 5:50 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 7, 2008
Unseen, but not unheard.
Well, to start with, I say, Venturing into a new territory is always difficult , is it not?
Upto a limit, yes....
It won't be that hard if that is your forte. But what if you have no idea about the area in which you have just stepped in?
Well, i have not so ever any idea about it.
Well, to take examples from life, i'd say that it's not that difficult you know; nothing is impossible for us humans, in short.
Another case: what if you fail to succeed in something which you thought was your forte, but you now are not quite sure if your instict led you to the right path?
Well, in my opinion, all you could do now is to determine yourself and tell yourself that your instinct couldn't have ditched you and you are heading in the right path and try to believe it. It helps, you know....
well, Now you tell me , what do you think about what's been said above....
All I've got to say is "Whatever may others tell you ....: follow your heart, 'cause it knows where to go and what to do.."
Posted by SilverDoe at 4:12 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
He Lives...
A very familiar face isn't it?
He's more than that popular face on T-shirts... Much more than that ... and He's not any icon of politics as such ... But he's Che.... Ernesto Guevara... the face of Argentine Marxist Revolution ...A counter cultural symbol they say he has become ....But .. he still reminds me of that handsome youth who set off with his friend.. to explore Latin America....from Buenos Aires to the Andes... the Amazon basin ....Chile... Atacama desert ...Peru....... Ecuador ..............Venezuela ....Panama... Miami .....two excited youth on a mission Unite Latin America....Ah! How One wishes to be traveling with these great travelers ...But 'Tis only a dream for One .. as a Dreamer.......Words are few to describe Thou ..... The revolutionary ... The Dreamer.. and many more adjectives could I shower upon Thee ... But they aren' t enough .... Just wanted to tell you...that ...I Love you Che! :)
Posted by SilverDoe at 2:47 AM 0 comments
Newer Life..
And a New life..
New friends..
New world altogether...
It's not very hard to cope up with the changes.. since one knows that change is inevitable and is the only constant thing in the world..
But still .. the heart still cries out for the ones one lost for this new life... Old friends.. Old memories..Oh! what pain ...
But sweeter are the memories when we laughed .....and cried and had fun ....
than those .. when we all went to different directions......Like birds... from one nest .. fly away to distant destinations... and may get lost in the way .. but then they find other friends... and some reach the destinations... some may get slaughtered at some huntsman's hands...Well... C'est la Vie!~
Posted by SilverDoe at 2:39 AM 0 comments
Rahatein …
न मिले इस दिल को राहत …
न हो जब आपसे मुलाक़ात …
ना मिले इस दिल को राहत …
जो न देखे ये दिल उनकी चेहरा…
ना मिले इस दिल को राहत …
जो न हो आप हमारे साथ ..
न मिले इस दिल को राहत …
जो न मिली इस दिल को चैन …
जो न मिली रहत –e - प्यार
जो न मिली इस दिल आपकी प्यार .
ओ दिलरुबा…
Posted by SilverDoe at 2:28 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
New Life
New Territory .....
New Life....
New Experiences.....
New Mischiefs ..........
New Stories.....
New Tales.....
New Thrills......
New Friends....
New History ....
New Air...
New O2....
New H20....
New Trees........
New Hobbies....
But Dear Old .."New Me"
Posted by SilverDoe at 8:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: college
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Chained For Life
I knew I had successfully hidden myself somewhere deep down inside myself. Yes. I had hidden the best part of my soul in the core of myself.The soul, The best part in anybody; and mine was yet unseen and untouched.(well, mostly)
I had now finished my High School education. All I wanted to do now was to scream out loud that my soul has broken free. But the truth is, as I see now, it had broken free to get entangled in those enchanted chains of freedom(even freedom is in chains). I pull myself off it as hard as I could to break free. And for once, I did. But then I realized that freedom is the thing one has to fear the most, since world today does not accept Free Humans. They think Freedom is a sin; Free Humans ar4 worthless and I have been taught at school that it's far more honourable to die that to lead a worthless life. So , I go back and get myself entwined by those chains.
Why should we go by a life prescribed commonly to all in some School? When we Know that Rules are made for Breaking And Laws exist , so that we could change them . All that we've got to have is the courage; The Courage to say that "Yes, I am different " And "No, You are wrong. I AM Worth it!"
Maybe you've heard this all a ton other times. But still, Ponder on it.
So that world could break Free from all it's chains and breathe free , like You and Me.
For a Better Tomorrow.
For a Better You.
And a Better me.
With Love,
Yours Silver doe.
Posted by SilverDoe at 12:35 AM 2 comments
Labels: chains
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Date With Destiny.....
I was walking down one of the streets in great Lisbon(Great Lisboa, as it is called here),totally out of company and not knowing the local language which is Portuguese.This was my first trip alone to some place so foreign to me.This is my first ever trip to Europe. In most Asian countries,which I had visited before,I could have easily mingled with the people there and could converse them in either Hindi, Urdu or Arabic.I had with me textual guide which would help me ask people about the place I am right now and where the place I have to go to is, and all, but as of yet I haven't seen any friendly face amongst the crowd.Everybody seemed walking to their own rhythm and seemingly unaware of a foreign girl in dilemma of how to ask help and whom to ask. I walked by the pavements and across the roads, realizing that these were the very same roads where centuries ago Julius Caesar must've gone past.The very soil beneath my feet must be holding such place in history which I may be ignorant of as many other walking across those streets.I was exhausted after walking for a very long time along the streets and knowing nothing about the language.I was disappointed that I haven't seen much of the city and this is my third day in the city.On the first day I visited the museums to realize that you couldn't understand the history of any city in a single day.The next day I visited the well-known markets intending to buy some souvenirs for myself and my kith and kin.I was again disappointed .No,the city had many specialties and amazing artifacts ,curios etc. which would make an excellent souvenir which I could keep for my lifetime, but with the world being a Global Village now, I returned to my hotel, disappointed. Why? Because everything that I buy here is available at my country or in that case any country at the same rates. Then why should I pay the Extra Tax to take them home! And the third day is going to have the same disappointing end to it. It's already three in the afternoon.I felt angry with myself and was furious at the cursed moment when I set out all alone.The next time I would make sure that I would arrange a guide for myself.
I was walking through a comparatively less crowded street.I noticed something peculiar. A man ,aged between 60 and 80 leaning on to a wall and reading some printed matter(I guess some newspaper). At last I found someone who is less busy with their own troubles.I went up to him and opened my guide and started asking in a hugely accented Portuguese where the Castle of São Jorge was.He smiled at my absurd Portuguese and to my surprise and joy asked in French whether I knew the language.I screamed out " Oui" ,that is "yes" in French.He told me that its just two streets across and he could assist me to find the place if I liked .I was more than happy to let him take me to the place. He asked me why I had come here ,"is it a holiday trip or are u here for work?"he asked and also asked where I was from.I told him that I am an Indian student of History and I had come here because I wanted to know more about Lisbon and it's culture and would like to take with me some memories of the places which was once under the greats of the likes of Julius Caesar and Tiberius.He told me that he has been to India quite a few times and adores it's culture and people, both alike. At this I was embarrassed because as a non-resident Indian who lived in the middle-east for most of her life till date, I knew quite little about the country and I doubted if I , an Indian knew any more or rather even as much as this old man.He asked me what my name is and I told him that my parents named me Zarina but I'm fondly called Zara.Before I could ask him what his name is, he got me engaged in conversation and I doubted if he did it on purpose.He started telling me that human occupation on those hilltops began at around 6th century BC even though archeology tells us that the first fortifications began in the 2nd century BC.He gave an extensive and informative talk starting from the history to the architecture.He then advised me that if I was really interested in knowing more about the city I should be visiting some local bars and talking to local people and must visit some less visited places than tourist places like the Castle which I am about to visit.I interrupted him, complaining that how am I supposed to speak to the local people when I do not know their language and nor do they know mine.He told me that sometimes words aren't necessary to communicate an idea.Look at the silent films that was replaced by modern cinema.Although there wasn't any speech in the whole film , still people watch it because they understand it.By now, I was quite impressed by this man.He surely must be some person of importance,I thought.I couldn't suppress the temptation to ask him about himself.I burst out asking who he was and what he does and the usual questions that a woman of my age might ask out of curiosity.But he looked at me and smiled with the shine of knowledge that you could find in many little people. The light of free thoughts and liberal ideas.I looked at him but he pointed his hands towards a road that would lead me atop the hill. I understood there wasn't any need of insisting him on to telling me about himself.But before I walked away he handed me those printed pages that he had in his hands.I took it and smiled at him.An innocent smile of a youth ,quenching for knowledge.I could listen to him sitting down on one of the benches, which are there in both sides of the roads,behind me.I walked on, without looking backward , to my destination, where my destiny takes me.........
After a month I came back home ,having travelled various parts of Portugal,several pubs, several streets, and many roads and many more yet to discover.I was sitting in my flat thinking about the journey, that I remembered about the pages my fellow friend from Lisbon gave me.I found it amongst my books from Lisbon and started reading it.It was the copy of a typescript of a novel, a very interesting one indeed. I read it and now I knew who he was, who made me meet with my destiny.He was the very author who inspired me to travel to Portugal and I couldn't even recognize him. But I was not sad about that because I knew that I have to go back and find more about the place, its legend and I have a friend to go back to, my dear friend.
Posted by SilverDoe at 7:36 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The Longest Way Out
A long way to go...
Miles to walk before Its Dawn,
Years to Pass by before It happens,
The Eternity will shower upon us,
Will bring back to us our dear mother,
Our Earth!
But we have to go a long way,
A long Long Way,
Before the Heavens shine upon us,
And Bestow us with those blessings,
That we identify as nature...
The nature that brought us all up...
Who Gave us to drink and to eat...
To breath and to see....
But it is us,
Her dear ones..
who destroyed her,
her sanctity,
her simplicity,
her beauty ,
her chastity,
and we made fortunes out of her ever forgiving nature..
Showed her that we are all but nothing more than drenching power loving creatures,
Who drank from our mothers blood and ate from her flesh,
And never ceased to look back and give back all that we have taken,
And instead, Took all that we could take from her....
We are all but nothing that she thought we would be..
Posted by SilverDoe at 9:23 PM 0 comments
Silver doe For U....
That's me for You.
A Silver doe.
For friends closer to me,
I'm that reflection that is always with them,
Whenever they looked back.
For foe's Closest to me,
I'm that Bridge,
that they never could travel past ,
And the one which constantly disappoints them.
For my dear li'l ones,
I'm that protective sphere that covers them all around ,
Like a baby in a mother's womb is protected.
For those who are far from me,
I am that piece of paper,
With literature that they could always read,
And relate to,
Whenever it is necessary.
For those in pain,
I'm that Golden drop of sun;Ray,
For those in joy,
I'm that black ink of reality;future,
For those with a fluttering heart,
I'm that blowing wind,
which brings with it the smell of their beloved.
For those who would never see me,
I'm that blank page in the bible,
that never was supposed to be read.
And for you all,
I'm, After all,
A Silver Doe.
Posted by SilverDoe at 1:04 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 29, 2008
I am a Free Bird......
But It didn't take long to get
bored with it ....very soon..Or
rather too soon ...I was
suffering from a troubled
heart...The Trouble of
self-realization had struck
me at last.It had to
But never thought the day
would come so soon.....
It's better late than never,
they say.. But I say, Better
Early than never ever.
I was grounded with
So easily one gets bored
with the so called freedom
that one just die to gain.I soon found myself entangled between my own webbed thoughts.
Soon, I will also, forget all
these thoughts and live
life like the rest of them, in this mechanical world....
without even taking the trouble of thinking about this world or its inhabitants.No time to worry about those people who are suffering at this very moment when we are laughing away at some silly joke.
Posted by SilverDoe at 1:05 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The Zahir --A Journey of self-realization
The Zahir
Posted by SilverDoe at 8:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: the zahir
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Brida--A magical rendezvous...
When the story begins, I was astounded at how much a man can understand a woman's heart and so well.The story was extremely fascinating because the plot was all before our eyes.There wasn't the suspense factor that Coelho always tries to create in most of his books... Here all the facts were right before our eyes...We knew this was gonna happen and how....but what keep us reading on is the interesting way of speech and philosophy that were something we already knew but coming from Coelho it sounded way different and convincing. For example, the power of moon ... I have earlier heard about this tradition which helps you accumulate the power or rather the glow from the moon..and it is said to have an amazing effect ... They say it makes your day go well and it makes you feel as if electricity flows through your veins..This is in no way related to any magic or voodoo but this was simply a tradition that was followed by ancient people and I fear nothing ever so to talk about it ....But I must say I never knew that I would read about this in a Book... and I totally appreciate the author for having the courage to say things like this and that too aloud a world like this where people say they are Very "modern" and "fashionable" but are still living in the primitive ages of fear of black magic and satanic worship.... which I have least interest on or knowledge about and feel better off without it....Well, According to me, we have moved forward form silly things, thoughts or fears as these ages ago... But still they say they are fashionable.. maybe it's time for them to realize that fashion isn't all about the outside but it must come from inside..somewhere deep inside our's not something that we wear on top of the skin...It something that we represent for ourselves or as our identity .....If there is God.. then there is an enemy for him.. but if we believe that after all, this too is a spark man's amazing imagination ... we might actually feel a lot more different about these primitive ideologies...Well, we have strayed away from the topic...
Well, My favorite character would be the Magus... Not just because the amazing character sketch, also because I'm a girl and find that character amazingly attractive *blush* ...Well, the book would be a three and a half stars worth according to me since It's the first of the kind I'm reading .. I mean to say romantic stories...I usually never read romances...than in poems...I might like to add that this is one of the best from Coelho, I've read . Other than The Zahir ofcourse....When I started reading the book..I just wanted to read till the end and wanted too know how he manages to give it a conclusion ..... When I was reaching the epilogue..I felt this "Void" ,For some unknown reason and just didn't want it to end and when I reached the end and thought about it ..I felt this certain calmness in the my mind.. Somewhat like "catharsis" ..I seriously dunno if that term is usable here... But somehow I felt this calmness... something that resembles the silence after a war or a calamity .....An atmosphere of serenity was cast upon me when I finished reading it .....
It was a pleasant experience.. I say, A must read for young people as well as the old ..who would like a peaceful read in their free time......
Adios Amigos!~
Posted by SilverDoe at 2:32 AM 0 comments
Dream on...
I Pray,
Each day,
To live life happily,
To let me do so...
To get devoid of sadness...
I dream ,
Every night,
To get rid of this loneliness,
To have this vacuum filled,
To have the courage to live life....
I Cry,
Every time,
To get past you,And
To leave your memories behind...
To die once and for all and end it all well......I smile,
at myself,
To realize how stupid I've been,
To start life anew,
And to Dream on...
New Heights,
New fights,
New Mights ,and
New Nights...
Posted by SilverDoe at 1:40 AM 2 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Indian Premier League surely has Given cricket a new definition .... a new Genre Of viewers has arrived with the IPL.... It's been a roller coaster ride for the viewers, the players and the management....
And the Verdict is -IPL is Out a Winner...Yes...And with the Brand new friendship saga's between cricketers and a Team or a club kinda thingy for the youngsters...We have been wanting this kinda thing ever since we saw the EPL. But , is it really a success? Well this season was...
But what will happen the next season... As of now.. Let's have a review...
The Indian team for the Bangladesh tri-series has rocked the world... they now the story by-heart by now.. most of the key players of the known-teams 's secrets were revealed to the Indian youngsters Via the IPL and they sure are making sure they win every match cinema-style...
After analysing this, will the aussies and the proteas be back for the next season ..
maybe they will .. cuz the IPL extravaganza has a lot of money and power coming with it .. and if that ain't all fame and women ..and entertainment. what more do they need now??
And as For now... I am Awaiting the next season .... with a Hopping heart and a Racing heart beat ...:) TC
Posted by SilverDoe at 6:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: IPL
J.K.Rowling.....-An inspiration, A woman of substance...
J.k.Rowling... Is one of those few authors who got me hooked to a particular book or series.....Her Harry Potter series, is by far my most favourite set of fictional books(maybe, owing to the fact that I have not read Narnia series or LOTR) She's inspired me to write and follow your dreams.. and that Ain't a small thing..... I would love to be known as somebody who wrote revolutionary books like she did... she brought back an entire generation back to the basics.."Reading"....
Her Personal life has inspired me a great lot.. I always think about her and her daughter living in that small flat ...or she writing inside that coffee shop..on Tissue papers....Its very touching ..awe-inspiring..... she's been somewhat a legendary figure in this decade of literature and the young and budding novelists ,like me(hopefully) ...owes a lot to her..
and if Ever I meet you Jo... I like to tell You that I like you for being what you are ..A legendary witch .. with an exceptional imagination ...:)
Posted by SilverDoe at 6:05 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
My World is Of u...
Aleksandr Pushkin Is one of the poet's apart from Rabindranath Tagore, who was able to leave me spell-bound with the magic of the web spun with words.may It be his Poetry, Verses,Dramas,Proses Or novels..A Fantastic human being ,as he was, so was he a poet. His poetry is something that has touched My young heart and left an impression on it like my feet would do when I walk through a freshly set block of cement.This one picture chosen by me for this post has a special relevance in my life, since I have spent hours and hours, enjoying the beauty of the art and pondered upon the fact that , how naïve and pretty the heart of this handsome poet would have been ... I confess that I've totally fallen for this great master...And would Advice everybody who appreciate better poetry to read Pushkin Atleast Once in his life...Wild wild Life , It is... maybe this one would leave You changed for ever....This one Crazy guy surely would do that For you..What You thought actually never existed...MAGIC!!!!!~
Posted by SilverDoe at 10:19 AM 0 comments
The World Of Wonders
I was ,almost opposed by people when I told them that All I wanted to do was to learn Literature.. and write it too... Well, It does Taunt my heart, the thought of what might happen if My decision doesn't prove right for me.. But as of now.. I just wish and hope everything goes alright. It's been my long time dream and will be always to write something , publish it and then people read it and give me back feedback about my writing .. Good or Bad- I love my critics...Well, I hope to get into some college in the north, you know... But I'm scared for myself...The people from north doesn't even have to try half the efforts I put to write like this..or rather better... This is something that has proven to be nothing short of a nightmare to , I've thought That I'll stay here for another three Years.. Well, all for the Greater Good, I reckon. I surely Would like to do something for all those who have been there for me and with me ..through the thick and thin .. and don't act like you are an angel....I remember who all were there with me well, very well.Well, This one life has been strange, very strange indeed. Well, I have had much of the Drama for one life as of now.. now I want the "The kinda stuff" The peace stuff, you know.. I just am wanting for it...Well, Hope my wishes come True.. they Never do.. But still, hope is what that keeps the world alive , Ain't it?
Posted by SilverDoe at 9:09 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 2, 2008
I'm A dReamEr
~Dream on...
Dear Dreamer..
It's Not far behind when I woke up one day with a dream clouding my mind..
It was clear...
as Fire in darkness...
as Flowers in the Wild...
as Fear In our Minds...
Or as Love in Your mind...
I dreamt of that dreamer....
who aroused curiosity in my mind...
about how one could love someone so blind, so dearly...
How could you just leave her for him , her unknown long lost lover....
One morning You wake up all lost ....
You lost your charm..
Your love...
Your everything ...
And you still laugh....
Still fool around...
For the sake of others...
who find happiness in your one smile...
and forgets all their sadness in it ......
But my Dreamer....
Me, here...
In some unknown corner of this world....
Is dying to tell You that I know You...
And I will wait for you ....
As you are for that love of yours..
Dear friend...
You are not alone in this spinning thread of joy and sorrow....
which the knowledgeable called LIFE~
Posted by SilverDoe at 8:42 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
ये साजिश है जिंदगानी की
ले लिया इश्क बन्दे से,
लूट लीया चयन-ओ-करार ,
मर्र्के भी नह मरने दी ज़ुल्मी दुनिया ने ,
दे दीया सबब-ऐ-इंकार प्यार ने,
दुनिया ने भी किया इनकार अपनाने से,
बेदर्दी सनम ने ले लिया जान उसकी,
बेरहमी दुनिया ने मार्के भी न जीने दीया ,
जाने कब बुझेगी यह आग जुदाई की,
जानेमन ,
इश्क कभी न करना अब कभी,
इश्क न जीने देता है, न ही मरने,
अगर जिंदा रहना है तोह भूल जाईये रसम-ऐ-दुनिया ,
और जीलीजिया जीवन खुशी में , और खुशी से॥
Posted by SilverDoe at 10:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: प्यार
Monday, May 26, 2008
Why Can't You see me as just another stranger...
Whom You never wanted to meet....
Never Ever in Your life..
But you did ..
And did to Fall in Love with me..
I never Loved you,maybe...
Or maybe, I did...
But it doesn't matter..
Not any more..
And now...
You Haunt My days and nights..
what Can I do to forget You ....
What Can I do...
To leave You behind...
far behind My life....
and still you wish me to come back?
To all that mess that I left ...
And that too, to never own it again....
I never Hoped to make you mine..
maybe I did...
But you were Just another Dream
which I could Just always see before My Eyes
But would Never come True.....
I wished that after all this time ..
For you to Move on with all that You had with you
...Than me..
Whom you never had..
But you waited for me..
Hoping I'd come back someday ...
But I'm sorry ...
I can't ....
I'm sorry ..
My Dear Mr.Stranger...
P.s. Dedicated to "Sr3"
Posted by SilverDoe at 10:34 AM 2 comments
Friday, March 28, 2008
Life begins...
Life begins.... when one part of your life ends..
And so,
My life is soon going to begin.....
A new Life...
As someone brand New!
Life lies before me like a never ending ocean,
I feel like marooned amongst people who hopes I’d do well,
Who hopes me to turn every priceless stone into gold ......
And every farthing into diamond mines.........
People who I may not even know...
But they expect me to be their guardian angel....
People who doesn't even matter to me or my life....
but I work,
And hard enough,
To be of any help to all those who believe in me,
Someday they'll help me find that peace of mind,
Or that never dying source of love,
Which is the quest of my unworthy life,
Like many others before me,
I am walking towards something or someone,
Whom I never knew,
I'll never know,
But still,
I want you to know that I love You,
Whoever You are,
I love You ,
Even when I know that you could never be mine,
Even my tears have dried,
The rivers have died,
The birds no longer sing their beautiful melancholy of love,
Searching for their beloved,
Like the ocean,
I too have to go a long way ,
Searching for my Destination,
My destiny.
I never knew what it is to be in love,
But I somehow feel,
That it is same as the state in which I am in,
May be not,
Maybe I am in a world of trifles,
In a dream world of unicorns and centaurs,
Like the one in which every other girl I know would like to be in,
But maybe,
I am not dreaming,
And what is happening may be true.
I hope so....................................................
Posted by SilverDoe at 8:37 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
LoNelY DaYs
And the days of sorrow were far begone.....
And I wait.....
I wait for that ray of hope.....
In my dreams you were always there......
And in real...
You are far away......
Far away in some strange land.....
Some strange soil...
Amidst some strange people....
Maybe we spoke different languages...
But our minds conversed well.....
Without any linguistic barriers...
And soon will we meet...
And soon will my life be all green again...
Only the greener pastures...
No dull streaks of sorrow...
No gloomy days of the sun..
No chilly winter days amongst frozen memories......
Only You...
And me............
Somewhere deep down in my heart.....
Something pricks...
It pricks...
It pricks to tell me.....
That life is not the same.....
All days are not the same...
If you see greenery now...
Dry desert sands are not far.......
My Love, Beware....
Beware those with lovely smiles.......
It is not that I do not want to let go....
But it is that behind every smiling face,
There's some Devil.....
And Love......
For every heart you break......
You die a thousand deaths....
And With you,
I do too.....
I do Not Fear Death, My Love....
But I know you do....
I know that you are far more innocent than the wind that just blew.......
But also know that you are mischievous....
Love, I don't say "Love Just ME!"
I say “Love Not Just Me",
"But never hate me".....
Because I know how much it will hurt you...
'cause I live somewhere in your heart!
Posted by SilverDoe at 4:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: Love