Saturday, February 6, 2010

I’m A Loner!

I’m sleepy, I’m bored.

I’m lonely, I’m tired.

I feel suicidal.

This body, it hurts;

It pains, it spurts:

It makes me feel lonely,

Even in a crowd.

Love, once was green:

The best ever seen.

Now it catches a flight,

Every time it reminisces our plight.

I walk alone on the beach

With hands in the pocket.

Which once was usually entwined

With the hands of my beloved.

Now I walk alone

With hands in the pocket,

With a sad, grim face,

As love makes grimace.

I walk alone.

My heart yearns for him;

He who is with me still

But is still so far far away.

He walks with me.

But fails to notice the tears,

Hiding beneath my eyelids.

He walks with me.

But fails to notice my hands,

Bruised from his hardened grip.

He walks with me.

And I walk alone.

My heart pains;

For it seeks love.

For it seeks love

And gets nought.

I love him…

Does he love me?


LONE WOLF said...

ye kya nandzee such a sad poem kiu /:) :|

newys very good again :D

SilverDoe said...

lol wolfie.. just wanted to write.. that is all..~ nothing to worrry abt lol..! mom got worried after reading this one.. asked u r not suicidal are u?:P

LONE WOLF said...

yah plz...i dont want u to take the glory of being sucidal 4m me .. B-) :P

SilverDoe said...

lol. come on wolfie.. i was alwayz a good contender-!:P

Lucifer said...
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