Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Dream Cloak

I slowly pulled up my blanket
The pure white blanket of dreams
I slept peacefully under its warmth
Because once you are safely cuddled under it,
You may not remember even yourself.
You could be a Juliet or an Aphrodite;
Or an Apollo or a Caesar
And you could rule the world
And own everything you wanted.
You can even own love and happiness;
Disown sorrows and failures.
Fly away to a beautiful land of fairies and imps
Or dance away all night in a masquerade ball
With your beloved, who would never be yours in life.
You can do whatever under and beyond this wide blue night sky
But soon the Sun would rise
And your stars of the night would be seen no more.
You will wake up to face the weary world all by yourself;
No loving face to greet you good morning,
No chariots to take you wherever you need to be,
No spirits to carry out your commands,
No Prince Charming or Sleeping Beauty to be seen near or far,
No fairy godmother to help you out,
Nothing seems to be right and everything seems to be wrong.
Life would soon cease to be,
And night will soon stop coming to me
With that adored blanket of mine.
And I will sleep forever
That Eternal Sleep;
No dreams
No Nothings.


Mystic(Gayatri) said...

its awesome :D

SilverDoe said...


Zulu said...

speechless!! :D :)

LONE WOLF said...

amazing...perfect words...perfect thoughts...

yah da final sleep with da dream cloak is the best gift life can ever give, spcealy to those who cant have a sleep :)

Sh@s said...

Mesmerised by the simplicity and fluidity of thought.
I jus loved your blog template. It has the freshness and the untouched beauty of the wild.

Serendipity said...

its SIMPLY AWESOME nanduuuuu >:D<
so very truly written :D :)

Unknown said...

ty shas :)

ty ekuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Sammy SKJ said...

u really have the thot for it ..
simply awesome :D

SilverDoe said...

you are really sweet to me apa.. thank you : )