Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Silver doe For U....

That's me for You.
A Silver doe.

For friends closer to me,
I'm that reflection that is always with them,
Whenever they looked back.

For foe's Closest to me,
I'm that Bridge,
that they never could travel past ,
And the one which constantly disappoints them.

For my dear li'l ones,
I'm that protective sphere that covers them all around ,
Like a baby in a mother's womb is protected.

For those who are far from me,
I am that piece of paper,
With literature that they could always read,
And relate to,
Whenever it is necessary.

For those in pain,
I'm that Golden drop of sun;Ray,

For those in joy,
I'm that black ink of reality;future,

For those with a fluttering heart,
I'm that blowing wind,
which brings with it the smell of their beloved.

For those who would never see me,
I'm that blank page in the bible,
that never was supposed to be read.

And for you all,
I'm, After all,
A Silver Doe.


Denny M X said...

You brought me the scent of my beloved
And my heart fluttered in the wind