You say girls are complicated and it's impossible to understand them.
I say fine, who asked you to?
You say "Look at that movie. It's all about how girls play with us poor boys. Girls are mean and bad."
I say “Okay. Now I got to sit and do movie listing for you? Seriously, I don't have the time to sit and make notes on what to say and do in order to ridicule the opposite sex. And the mean and bad blah blah blah part: I thought its okay to be human."
You say one can never trust a girl: they are like a walking talking version of your daily newspaper.
I say fine, but every time a girl dumps you or every time something bad happens or if you want to talk about how bad rest of your friends are, why do you come running to a girl? Did that girl make all that happen?
You go crazy for a girl if you think she's unattainable. But once she falls for you, you dump her for a silly reason and you’d be depressed all the time and tell your buddies that she left you.
And if she dumps you for whom you are, then she's a bitch?
You talk about how barbaric people are to kill female fetuses and how girls have a right to be born in the world as much as boys and how they should be given every right in our nation that the men exercise and yet (!) when you hear there are three or four girls in a family, you go “Oh! Three girls? How are they going to marry them off?" And so much more.
And those girls would want to ask, "Who made this system of giving/accepting dowry in the first place? Would YOU say no to dowry? And above all, three boys in a family == okay but three girls, not okay? "
And you ask what my problem is.
And I tell you that I've got no problems. But apparently, I've somehow become your problem.